The Doors that being Chronically Ill Open

I wrote this for Adult Congenital Heart Association  and their blog and I wanted to share it with you guys! I want you to remember that bad things will happen to you throughout your life - but good times are just around the corner. 
Here is my entry: 

This past Tuesday I went to speak to a local sixth grade elementary class about bullying. I talked about how people would call me lazy for using the elevator instead of the stairs, how people would call me ugly because of my scar, and how kids in middle school locked me in a closet and refused to give me my medication. I wanted them to know that bullying is never OK and that before they made assumptions based off of how people look, they need to take a step back and realize that there is more to someone than what meets the eye.

Once I finished my speech, I opened it up to questions. I got a lot of questions about my health, which was fine by me. I want to help spread awareness about CHD. I get a lot of the same questions every year. “Do you swallow all of your pills at once?” or “Have you ever tried to walk up stairs?” and the crowd favorite, “So have you ever, like, died?!”

But one question took me by surprise, one that I hadn't heard before. It was a boy in the back who had made a comment earlier similar to: “Why would they even pick on you?” I could tell by the way this kid spoke that he probably had some learning difficulties. And every time he raised his hands, the kids would mumble under their breath or roll their eyes. But his question really got me.

"Do you ever wish you hadn't been born the way you are?"

I had to blink away tears at this question. Not because I was offended or anything like that. No, it was because I have a feeling that this boy at times wished he hadn't been born the way he was. He probably has spent nights crying over what kids say and do to him just because he has a learningdisability.

I wanted to give him hope. I wanted him to know that even if you are born with a defect or a learning disability, life can still be fun and full of joy. So I shook my head and I told him, no, I don't wish that, and I truly meant it, too.

While having CHD has brought on bullying and completely terrifying moments in my life, it has brought some great joys, too. If I hadn't been born with CHD, I wouldn't have been adopted by the amazing family I have today. I wouldn't have volunteered at the preschool in elementary school during lunch recess and started to learn American Sign Language from the teacher. I wouldn't have joined the sign language choir I am in now. I might not have gotten into writing, which has been so therapeutic for me. I wouldn't have gotten to go to camp with all my CHD friends and make friendships that will last a lifetime.

Yes, CHD is a difficult, scary, sometimes sad thing to live with it. But it has and can bring joy into someone's life. So next time you start to look at all the doors CHD has closed for you, look at the ones it has opened too.

Hope and Love, 

Bully Talk

Every year since about Freshman year of high school I have gone to my older sister's 6th grade class and I have spoken to her students about bullying and my experience with it as I grew up. I tell them about the time in 3rd grade when a girl threatened to punch another hole into my heart, the time in 6th grade when a street performer in San Francisco made fun of me for having to sit in a stroller because I was too weak to walk and I tell them about the time in 8th grade when these girls locked me in a closet at a birthday party and refused to let out or even give me my inhaler. I explain to the kids that words hurt and effect people long past the time that the words have been said. I tell them that they have the power to either positively influence someone's life or negatively. I also told them that if they see bullying they need to stand up against it. If they sit there and let it happen - they are just as bad as the bully. I explained to them that they will never ever regret doing the right thing. At the end of it all, several of the girls came up to hug me and share their story with me. I hope that by doing these talks I can help to minimize how many kids get bullied and I hope that for those who are bullied - they now know that they are not alone and that it does get better. 

Hope and Love, 

Sorry it's been a while


 Sorry I haven't written in a while. I came down with what we think was the flu. I had a fever for about five days straight and just felt awful. And on top of that I had to go in for some of my finals. Thankfully I am now feeling much better and I have finished my first year of college! It's amazing to me how fast this year has gone by! It's amazing to me how just a few years ago the idea or even the thought of me going to college wasn't something the doctors or my family thought would be able to happen. Yes we hoped and fought for it, but it wasn't always a definite yes I'd love to go to college and here I am, my first year of college done!

On top of that I also have some great news about this summer! I have written a few articles for Pulmonary Hypertension Association. It is an organization for people who have Pulmonary Hypertension; like myself. Every other year they also have an International Conference and this year it is going to be in Florida! We had planned on going so I could see some of my friends and catch up with them. About two weeks ago though they contacted me and asked me to be on a panel and talk to patients, caregivers and family members about how creativity has helped me cope - especially my writing and Sign Language. I am so excited to be able to do this! On top of getting to see all my friends, I will be able to help families and patients learn great coping strategies. It's all amazing and I am so excited!!

Other than that, not much else is going on. Tonight I will be going to my church's talent show and performing American Sign Language; so that will be exciting! I promise to update more often now that I am not sick!

Hope and Love,
My Life As A Chronically
Ill Young Adult
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